Hosted VoIP: RingCentral
Hosted VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is absolutely a must when your company is small (3 - 25 staff people) and your call flow is simple. No switching from an auto attendant to a manual attendant by pressing a phone button.
However you can use a day attendant that switches automatically to a night attendant at a certain time.
Our hosted VoiP offering is from RIngCentral that does all the features that your old phone switch/system had but, for half the price.
You can enable RingCentral to foreward calls from one extension to several other extensions in sequence or simultaneously, or forward the calls to a cell phone when you are on the road. Missed calls will go to your call log, and can go to your voicemail, your email and your text messaging. You will never lose a call!
In fact the RingCentral mobile app can be an extension so that you never need an IP desktop phone. However the RIngCentral mobile app requires that you have a good internet connection but, if there is a bad connection, it will use your voice plan!
Internet Customer Solutions is an authorized RingCentral partner, and has installed, configured and maintained many RingCentral set ups, that are still running great after more than 10 years in use.
RingCentral Office Features
The main features are as follows:
Auto attendant
Departmental grouping of users
Company greeting and user greeting
Call flow set up:
Set number of rings before forwarding​
Forwarding to other extensions and cell phones
Voice mail
Missed calls sent to email, text message
E-Fax​: fax to be scanned, and stored in Ringcentral. Received faxes available in under your extension
Text messaging​
Video calling
GLIP:: CRM integrated with RIngCentral
Mobile app to make calls, send faxes, see voicemail, etc,
RingCentral Meetings is very good and very economic!!

Overview of RingCentral MVP (Office) system showing how to add users, call management, add phones or mobile apps, and departments and roles
Call management per user: setting up call forwarding by the user, auto attendant, greeting and voicemail, ..
In a business, you don't want employees to use their personal text messaging on their cell phone for business purposes. RIngCentral messaging keeps the text messages in the business. You can see the messages online just like you can see voice mails.
In case you still need to send and retrieve faxes, RingCentral enables you to send and retrieve faxes online. To send a fax, you need to scan the document or picture, and save it on your PC or cloud storage. Then via you can fax your document via the internet. This way you always have an electronic copy of your fax, that you can see in from anywhere. You can also email faxes.
Pricing Plans
There are several pricing plans. You can start with the cheapest pricing plan of about $20/user/month. An user is a person who has an IP desktop phone or the RingCentral mobile app on his smartphone, that is connected to a digital line on the internet so that he/she can make and receive phone calls, send and receive faxes, send and receive text messages, and have RingCentral audio meetings. Such an user can also see his/her call and fax records online in the RingCentral website, and change his/her call flow (forwarding, voicemail, email id, # of rings before forwarding, etc.).
You can learn about pricing plans. Note that you may not need to buy an IP desktop phone since a RIngCentral mobile app has now become very reliable on a smartphone. The RingCentral mobile app is free but requires a digital line to enable calling.
RIngCentral Meetings (Video and audio Conferencing)
A video about RingCentral Meetings is given below. Save a lot of money on your web conferencing, and get all the great features!
RingCentral Meeting Plans
RingCentral Meetings Account/plan:
Free account​/plan
*2 users per meeting: unlimited video usage
3-100 users per meeting: 40 min limit)​
Essentials ​account/plan
Max. number of users: 100​
Advanced​ account/plan
Max. number of users: 100​​
Click here to learn more about RIngCentral Meetings.
RingCentral Meeting Features
Usage features:
A RingCentral Meeting can be scheduled from:
RingCentral desktop application which requires a RingCentral Office account
RingCentral mobile application
Microsoft Office Outlook Contacts
The RingCentral add-on for MS Outllook needs to be installed first​
A RingCentral Meeting can be scheduled as follows:
Schedule a RIngCentral Meeting as an administrator from the above media, and email an invitation with a link to the meeting to the participants.
Click here to learn more about RIngCentral Meetings in general.
Click here to learn about scheduling a RingCentral Meeting.
Schedule a date and time for the meeting
Schedule a date and time for the meeting

Invite participants via email

RingCentral Integrates with Microsoft Teams: One System for Voice, Video, Conferencing, Fax, Chat and Collaboration
RingCentral Cloud PBX™ for Microsoft Teams enables Direct Routing integration. With RingCentral Cloud PBX for Microsoft Teams users will have access to more robust cloud PBX capabilities without ever having to leave the Teams interface on mobile, web, and desktop. RingCentral also provides broader integrations with Microsoft Teams that enhance user productivity across the platform. Learn more.
A Customer Success Story
A RIngCentral customer in the UK witnesses an enormous progress in communication and collaboration. Learn more.