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Acumatica Customer Contracts



Acumatica Customer Contracts which is part of the Acumatica Finance suite, enables you to do the following:

  • Create a customer contract template (eg annual maintenance of the customer's laundry machine)

  • Create a support contract,

    • From your Acumatica CRM form,  applying support cases to it

    • Or, your customer can go to his/her customer portal, and submit a case from the portal

  • For a case, applying spent time and expenses

  • Running a contract invoice to charge the customer


A customer support contract is always related to a project.


The video (20 mins, 2018) explains customer support contracts. To see the full screen, click here.



Applying a periodic (eg monthly) service charge to the customer under a customer contract


The videos below demonstrate the set up of a customer contract where there is a llcense fee to be paid for an ERP  Finance suite software at the sign up of the ERP Finance suite, and an annual maintenance to be charged later in the year.

Applying support/service cases against a customer support contract: setting up contract items


A contract item eg, a software license, needs to be set up  first, and will then be used in a contract template.

Applying support/service cases against a customer support contract: setting up a contract template


A customer contract uses a contract template that represents your service type

Customer pays a deposit upfront for a support contract

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